Bible 2GO Bible Reading
Bible 2GO ● Daily Bible Reading ● Audio Bible 2GO
They wanted to arrest Jesus because they knew that he had told the parable against them. But they were afraid of the crowd, so they left him and went away.

They wanted to arrest Jesus because they knew that he had told the parable against them. But they were afraid of the crowd, so they left him and went away.

Welcome to Bible 2GO. Read and listen to the Bible daily. Mark Chapter's 12 and 13 Is Today's Bible Reading.

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12 and 13


Today's Bible Reading



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C E B.

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Let's Pray.

Dear Jesus

Help me


your word,

The words I'm reading today.

Help me




as you have,

And do

love me


Let's begin todays Bible reading in


Parable of the tenant farmers

1Jesus spoke to them in parables. “A man planted a vineyard, put a fence around it, dug a pit for the winepress, and built a tower. Then he rented it to tenant farmers and took a trip. 2When it was time, he sent a servant to collect from the tenants his share of the fruit of the vineyard. 3But they grabbed the servant, beat him, and sent him away empty-handed. 4Again the landowner sent another servant to them, but they struck him on the head and treated him disgracefully. 5He sent another one; that one they killed. The landlord sent many other servants, but the tenants beat some and killed others. 6Now the landowner had one son whom he loved dearly. He sent him last, thinking, They will respect my son. 7But those tenant farmers said to each other, ‘This is the heir. Let’s kill him, and the inheritance will be ours.’ 8They grabbed him, killed him, and threw him out of the vineyard.

9“So what will the owner of the vineyard do? He will come and destroy those tenants and give the vineyard to others. 10Haven’t you read this scripture,The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. 11The Lord has done this, and it’s amazing in our eyes?”

12They wanted to arrest Jesus because they knew that he had told the parable against them. But they were afraid of the crowd, so they left him and went away.

A question about taxes

13They sent some of the Pharisees and supporters of Herod to trap him in his words. 14They came to him and said, “Teacher, we know that you’re genuine and you don’t worry about what people think. You don’t show favoritism but teach God’s way as it really is. Does the Law allow people to pay taxes to Caesar or not? Should we pay taxes or not?”

15Since Jesus recognized their deceit, he said to them, “Why are you testing me? Bring me a coin. Show it to me.” 16And they brought one. He said to them, “Whose image and inscription is this?”

“Caesar’s,” they replied.

17Jesus said to them, “Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.” His reply left them overcome with wonder.

A question about the resurrection

18Sadducees, who deny that there is a resurrection, came to Jesus and asked, 19“Teacher, Moses wrote for us that if a man’s brother dies, leaving a widow but no children, the brother must marry the widow and raise up children for his brother. 20Now there were seven brothers. The first one married a woman; when he died, he left no children. 21The second married her and died without leaving any children. The third did the same. 22None of the seven left any children. Finally, the woman died. 23At the resurrection, when they all rise up, whose wife will she be? All seven were married to her.”

24Jesus said to them, “Isn’t this the reason you are wrong, because you don’t know either the scriptures or God’s power? 25When people rise from the dead, they won’t marry nor will they be given in marriage. Instead, they will be like God’s angels. 26As for the resurrection from the dead, haven’t you read in the scroll from Moses, in the passage about the burning bush, how God said to Moses,I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? 27He isn’t the God of the dead but of the living. You are seriously mistaken.”

God’s most important command

28One of the legal experts heard their dispute and saw how well Jesus answered them. He came over and asked him, “Which commandment is the most important of all?”

29Jesus replied, “The most important one isIsrael, listen! Our God is the one Lord, 30and you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your being, with all your mind, and with all your strength. 31The second is this,You will love your neighbor as yourself. No other commandment is greater than these.”

32The legal expert said to him, “Well said, Teacher. You have truthfully said that God is one and there is no other besides him. 33And to love God with all of the heart, a full understanding, and all of one’s strength, and to love one’s neighbor as oneself is much more important than all kinds of entirely burned offerings and sacrifices.”

34When Jesus saw that he had answered with wisdom, he said to him, “You aren’t far from God’s kingdom.” After that, no one dared to ask him any more questions.

Jesus corrects the legal experts

35While Jesus was teaching in the temple, he said, “Why do the legal experts say that the Christ is David’s son? 36David himself, inspired by the Holy Spirit, said,The Lord said to my lord, ‘Sit at my right side until I turn your enemies into your footstool.’ 37David himself calls him ‘Lord,’ so how can he be David’s son?” The large crowd listened to him with delight.

38As he was teaching, he said, “Watch out for the legal experts. They like to walk around in long robes. They want to be greeted with honor in the markets. 39They long for places of honor in the synagogues and at banquets. 40They are the ones who cheat widows out of their homes, and to show off they say long prayers. They will be judged most harshly.”

A poor widow’s contribution

41Jesus sat across from the collection box for the temple treasury and observed how the crowd gave their money. Many rich people were throwing in lots of money. 42One poor widow came forward and put in two small copper coins worth a penny. 43Jesus called his disciples to him and said, “I assure you that this poor widow has put in more than everyone who’s been putting money in the treasury. 44All of them are giving out of their spare change. But she from her hopeless poverty has given everything she had, even what she needed to live on.”


The temple’s fate

1As Jesus left the temple, one of his disciples said to him, “Teacher, look! What awesome stones and buildings!”

2Jesus responded, “Do you see these enormous buildings? Not even one stone will be left upon another. All will be demolished.”

3Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives across from the temple. Peter, James, John, and Andrew asked him privately, 4“Tell us, when will these things happen? What sign will show that all these things are about to come to an end?”

Keep watch!

5Jesus said, “Watch out that no one deceives you. 6Many people will come in my name, saying, ‘I’m the one!’ They will deceive many people. 7When you hear of wars and reports of wars, don’t be alarmed. These things must happen, but this isn’t the end yet. 8Nations and kingdoms will fight against each other, and there will be earthquakes and famines in all sorts of places. These things are just the beginning of the sufferings associated with the end.

9 “Watch out for yourselves. People will hand you over to the councils. You will be beaten in the synagogues. You will stand before governors and kings because of me so that you can testify before them. 10First, the good news must be proclaimed to all the nations. 11When they haul you in and hand you over, don’t worry ahead of time about what to answer or say. Instead, say whatever is given to you at that moment, for you aren’t doing the speaking but the Holy Spirit is. 12Brothers and sisters will hand each other over to death. A father will turn in his children. Children will rise up against their parents and have them executed. 13Everyone will hate you because of my name. But whoever stands firm until the end will be saved.

14 “When you see the disgusting and destructive thing standing where it shouldn’t be (the reader should understand this), then those in Judea must escape to the mountains. 15Those on the roof shouldn’t come down or enter their houses to grab anything. 16Those in the field shouldn’t come back to grab their clothes. 17How terrible it will be at that time for women who are pregnant and for women who are nursing their children. 18Pray that it doesn’t happen in winter. 19In those days there will be great suffering such as the world has never before seen and will never again see. 20If the Lord hadn’t shortened that time, no one would be rescued. But for the sake of the chosen ones, the ones whom God chose, he has cut short the time.

21 “Then if someone says to you, ‘Look, here’s the Christ,’ or ‘There he is,’ don’t believe it. 22False christs and false prophets will appear, and they will offer signs and wonders in order to deceive, if possible, those whom God has chosen. 23But you, watch out! I’ve told you everything ahead of time.

24 “In those days, after the suffering of that time, the sun will become dark, and the moon won’t give its light. 25The stars will fall from the sky, and the planets and other heavenly bodies will be shaken. 26Then they will see the Human One coming in the clouds with great power and splendor. 27Then he will send the angels and gather together his chosen people from the four corners of the earth, from the end of the earth to the end of heaven.

A lesson from the fig tree

28 “Learn this parable from the fig tree. After its branch becomes tender and it sprouts new leaves, you know that summer is near. 29In the same way, when you see these things happening, you know that he’s near, at the door. 30I assure you that this generation won’t pass away until all these things happen. 31Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will certainly not pass away.

32“But nobody knows when that day or hour will come, not the angels in heaven and not the Son. Only the Father knows. 33Watch out! Stay alert! You don’t know when the time is coming. 34It is as if someone took a trip, left the household behind, and put the servants in charge, giving each one a job to do, and told the doorkeeper to stay alert. 35Therefore, stay alert! You don’t know when the head of the household will come, whether in the evening or at midnight, or when the rooster crows in the early morning or at daybreak. 36Don’t let him show up when you weren’t expecting and find you sleeping. 37What I say to you, I say to all: Stay alert!”


Read thru the

New Testament in 90 days.

A printable, usable schedule.

□ Day 1 Matthew 1-4

□ Day 2 Matthew 5-6

□ Day 3 Matthew 7-9

□ Day 4 Matthew 10-12

□ Day 5 Matthew 13-14

□ Day 6 Matthew 15-17

□ Day 7 Matthew 18-20

□ Day 8 Matthew 21-22

□ Day 9 Matthew 23-24

□ Day 10 Matthew 25-26

□ Day 11 Matthew 27-28

□ Day 12 Mark 1-3

□ Day 13 Mark 4-5

□ Day 14 Mark 6-7

□ Day 15 Mark 8-9

□ Day 16 Mark 10-11

□ Day 17 Mark 12-13

□ Day 18 Mark 14-16

□ Day 19 Luke 1

□ Day 20 Luke 2-3

□ Day 21 Luke 4-5

□ Day 22 Luke 6-7

□ Day 23 Luke 8

□ Day 24 Luke 9

□ Day 25 Luke 10-11

□ Day 26 Luke 12-13

□ Day 27 Luke 14-16

□ Day 28 Luke 17-18

□ Day 29 Luke 19-20

□ Day 30 Luke 21-22

□ Day 31 Luke 23-24

□ Day 32 John 1-3

□ Day 33 John 4-5

□ Day 34 John 6-7

□ Day 35 John 8-9

□ Day 36 John 10-11

□ Day 36 John 12-13

□ Day 37 John 14-16

□ Day 38 John 17-18

□ Day 39 John 19-21

□ Day 40 Acts 1-3

□ Day 41 Acts 4-6

□ Day 42 Acts 7-8

□ Day 43 Acts 9-10

□ Day 44 Acts 11-13

□ Day 45 Acts 14-16

□ Day 46 Acts 17-18

□ Day 47 Acts 19-20

□ Day 48 Acts 21-22

□ Day 49 Acts 23-25

□ Day 50 Acts 26-28

□ Day 51 Romans 1-3

□ Day 52 Romans 4-7

□ Day 53 Romans 8-10

□ Day 54 Romans 11-14

□ Day 55 Romans 15-16

□ Day 56 1 Corinthians 1-4

□ Day 57 1 Corinthians 5-8

□ Day 58 1 Corinthians 9-11

□ Day 59 1 Corinthians 12-14

□ Day 60 1 Corinthians 15-16

□ Day 61 2 Corinthians 1-4

□ Day 62 2 Corinthians 5-8

□ Day 63 2 Corinthians 9-13

□ Day 64 Galations 1-4

□ Day 65 Galations 5-6

□ Day 66 Ephesians 1-3

□ Day 67 Ephesians 4-6

□ Day 68 Philippians 1-4

□ Day 69 Colossians 1-4

□ Day 70 1 Thessalonians 1-4

□ Day 71 1 Thessalonians 5

2 Thessalonians 1-3

□ Day 72 1 Timothy 1-4

□ Day 73 1 Timothy 5-6

□ Day 74 2 Timothy 1-4

□ Day 75 Titus 1-3


□ Day 76 Hebrews 1-5

□ Day 77 Hebrews 6-9

□ Day 78 Hebrews 10-11

□ Day 79 Hebrews 12-13

□ Day 80 James 1-5

□ Day 81 1 Peter 1-4

□ Day 82 1 Peter 5

2 Peter 1-3

□ Day 83 1 John 1-5

□ Day 84 2 John

3 John


□ Day 85 Revelation 1-3

□ Day 86 Revelation 4-8

□ Day 87 Revelation 9-12

□ Day 88 Revelation 13-16

□ Day 89 Revelation 17-19

□ Day 90 Revelation 20-22

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Bible 2GO Bible Reading
Bible 2GO ● Daily Bible Reading ● Audio Bible 2GO
Bible 2GO ● Daily Bible Reading ● Audio Bible 2GO
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