Bible 2GO Bible Reading
Bible 2GO ● Daily Bible Reading ● Audio Bible 2GO
The Prostitute and the Beast.
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -12:51

The Prostitute and the Beast.

Welcome back to Audio Bible 2GO. Revelation Chapter's 17 thru 19 Is Today's Bible Reading.

Welcome back to Audio Bible 2GO.


Chapter's 17 thru 19





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Today's Bible Reading


The Contemporary English Version.

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Thank you

for being with us today.

Let's Pray.

Dear Jesus

Help me


your word,

The words I'm reading today.

Help me




as you have,

And do

love me


Let's begin OUR Bible Reading in


Chapter 17

The Prostitute and the Beast

1 One of the seven angels who had emptied the bowls came over and said to me, "Come on! I will show you how God will punish that shameless prostitute who sits on many oceans. 2 Every king on earth has slept with her, and her shameless ways are like wine that has made everyone on earth drunk."

3 With the help of the Spirit, the angel took me into the desert, where I saw a woman sitting on a red beast. The beast was covered with names that were an insult to God, and it had seven heads and ten horns. 4 The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet robes, and she wore jewelry made of gold, precious stones, and pearls. In her hand she held a gold cup filled with the filthy and nasty things she had done. 5 On her forehead a mysterious name was written: I AM THE GREAT CITY OF BABYLON, THE MOTHER OF EVERY IMMORAL AND FILTHY THING ON EARTH.

6 I could tell that the woman was drunk on the blood of God's people who had given their lives for Jesus. This surprising sight amazed me, 7 and the angel said:

Why are you so amazed? I will explain the mystery about this woman and about the beast she is sitting on, with its seven heads and ten horns. 8 The beast you saw is one that used to be and no longer is. It will come back from the deep pit, but only to be destroyed. Everyone on earth whose names were not written in the book of life before the time of creation will be amazed. They will see this beast that used to be and no longer is, but will be once more.

9 Anyone with wisdom can figure this out. The seven heads that the woman is sitting on stand for seven hills. These heads are also seven kings. 10 Five of the kings are dead. One is ruling now, and the other one has not yet come. But when he does, he will rule for only a little while.

11 You also saw a beast that used to be and no longer is. That beast is one of the seven kings who will return as the eighth king, but only to be destroyed.

12 The ten horns that you saw are ten more kings, who have not yet come into power, and they will rule with the beast for only a short time. 13 They all think alike and will give their power and authority to the beast. 14 These kings will go to war against the Lamb. But he will defeat them, because he is Lord over all lords and King over all kings. His followers are chosen and special and faithful.

15 The oceans that you saw the prostitute sitting on are crowds of people from all races and languages. 16 The ten horns and the beast will start hating the shameless woman. They will strip off her clothes and leave her naked. Then they will eat her flesh and throw the rest of her body into a fire. 17 God is the one who made these kings all think alike and decide to give their power to the beast. And they will do this until what God has said comes true.

18 The woman you saw is the great city that rules over all kings on earth.

Revelation 18

The Fall of Babylon

1 I saw another angel come from heaven. This one had great power, and the earth was bright because of his glory. 2 The angel shouted,

"Fallen! Powerful Babylon

has fallen

and is now the home

of demons.

It is the den

of every filthy spirit

and of all unclean birds,

and every dirty

and hated animal.

3 Babylon's evil and immoral wine

has made all nations drunk.

Every king on earth

has slept with her,

and every merchant on earth

is rich

because of

her evil desires."

4 Then I heard another voice

from heaven shout,

"My people, you must escape

from Babylon.

Don't take part in her sins

and share her punishment.

5 Her sins are piled

as high as heaven.

God has remembered the evil

she has done.

6 Treat her as she

has treated others.

Make her pay double

for what she has done.

Make her drink twice as much

of what she mixed

for others.

7 That woman honored herself

with a life of luxury.

Reward her now

with suffering and pain.

"Deep in her heart

Babylon said,

‘I am the queen!

Never will I be a widow

or know what it means

to be sad.'

8 And so, in a single day

she will suffer the pain

of sorrow, hunger, and death.

Fire will destroy

her dead body,

because her judge

is the powerful Lord God."

9 Every king on earth who slept with her and shared in her luxury will mourn. They will weep, when they see the smoke from that fire. 10 Her sufferings will frighten them, and they will stand at a distance and say,

"Pity that great

and powerful city!

Pity Babylon!

In a single hour

her judgment has come."

11 Every merchant on earth will mourn, because there is no one to buy their goods. 12 There won't be anyone to buy their gold, silver, jewels, pearls, fine linen, purple cloth, silk, scarlet cloth, sweet-smelling wood, fancy carvings of ivory and wood, as well as things made of bronze, iron, or marble. 13 No one will buy their cinnamon, spices, incense, myrrh, frankincense, wine, olive oil, fine flour, wheat, cattle, sheep, horses, chariots, slaves, and other humans.

14 Babylon, the things

your heart desired

have all escaped

from you.

Every luxury

and all your glory

will be lost forever.

You will never

get them back.

15 The merchants had become rich because of her. But when they saw her sufferings, they were terrified. They stood at a distance, crying and mourning. 16 Then they shouted,

"Pity the great city

of Babylon!

She dressed in fine linen

and wore purple

and scarlet cloth.

She had jewelry

made of gold

and precious stones

and pearls.

17 Yet in a single hour

her riches disappeared."

Every ship captain and passenger and sailor stood at a distance, together with everyone who does business by traveling on the sea. 18 When they saw the smoke from her fire, they shouted, "This was the greatest city ever!"

19 They cried loudly, and in their sorrow they threw dust on their heads, as they said,

"Pity the great city

of Babylon!

Everyone who sailed the seas

became rich

from her treasures.

But in a single hour

the city was destroyed.

20 The heavens should be happy

with God's people

and apostles and prophets.

God has punished her

for them."

21 A powerful angel then picked up a huge stone and threw it into the sea. The angel said,

"This is how the great city

of Babylon

will be thrown down,

never to rise again.

22 The music of harps and singers

and of flutes and trumpets

will no longer be heard.

No workers will ever

set up shop in that city,

and the sound

of grinding grain

will be silenced forever.

23 Lamps will no longer shine

anywhere in Babylon,

and couples will never again

say wedding vows there.

Her merchants ruled

the earth,

and by her witchcraft

she fooled all nations.

24 On the streets of Babylon

is found the blood

of God's people

and of his prophets,

and everyone else."

Revelation 19

1 After this, I heard what sounded like a lot of voices in heaven, and they were shouting,

"Praise the Lord!

To our God belongs

the glorious power to save,

2 because his judgments

are honest and fair.

That filthy prostitute

ruined the earth

with shameful deeds.

But God has judged her

and made her pay

the price

for murdering

his servants."

3 Then the crowd shouted,

"Praise the Lord!

Smoke will never stop rising

from her burning body."

4 After this, the twenty-four elders and the four living creatures all knelt before the throne of God and worshiped him. They said, "Amen! Praise the Lord!"

The Marriage Supper of the Lamb

5 From the throne a voice said,

"If you worship

and fear our God,

give praise to him,

no matter who you are."

6 Then I heard what seemed to be a large crowd that sounded like a roaring flood and loud thunder all mixed together. They were saying,

"Praise the Lord!

Our Lord God All-Powerful

now rules as king.

7 So we will be glad and happy

and give him praise.

The wedding day of the Lamb

is here,

and his bride is ready.

8 She will be given

a wedding dress

made of pure

and shining linen.

This linen stands for

the good things

God's people have done."

9 Then the angel told me, "Put this in writing. God will bless everyone who is invited to the wedding feast of the Lamb." The angel also said, "These things that God has said are true."

10 I knelt at the feet of the angel and began to worship him. But the angel said, "Don't do that! I am a servant, just like you and everyone else who tells about Jesus. Don't worship anyone but God. Everyone who tells about Jesus does it by the power of the Spirit."

The Rider on the White Horse

11 I looked and saw that heaven was open, and a white horse was there. Its rider was called Faithful and True, and he is always fair when he judges or goes to war. 12 He had eyes like flames of fire, and he was wearing a lot of crowns. His name was written on him, but he was the only one who knew what the name meant.

13 The rider wore a robe that was covered with blood, and he was known as "The Word of God." 14 He was followed by armies from heaven that rode on horses and were dressed in pure white linen. 15 From his mouth a sharp sword went out to attack the nations. He will rule them with an iron rod and will show the fierce anger of God All-Powerful by trampling the grapes in the pit where wine is made. 16 On the part of the robe that covered his thigh was written, "KING OF KINGS AND Lord OF LORDS."

17 I then saw an angel standing on the sun, and he shouted to all the birds flying in the sky, "Come and join in God's great feast! 18 You can eat the flesh of kings, rulers, leaders, horses, riders, free people, slaves, important people, and everyone else."

19 I also saw the beast and all kings of the earth come together. They fought against the rider on the white horse and against his army. 20 But the beast was captured and so was the false prophet. This is the same prophet who had worked miracles for the beast, so that he could fool everyone who had the mark of the beast and worshiped the idol. The beast and the false prophet were thrown alive into a lake of burning sulfur. 21 But the rest of their army was killed by the sword that came from the mouth of the rider on the horse. Then birds stuffed themselves on the dead bodies.


Read thru the

New Testament in 90 days.

Listen to the Bible with

Audio Bible 2GO.

A printable, usable schedule.

□ Day 1 Matthew 1-4

□ Day 2 Matthew 5-6

□ Day 3 Matthew 7-9

□ Day 4 Matthew 10-12

□ Day 5 Matthew 13-14

□ Day 6 Matthew 15-17

□ Day 7 Matthew 18-20

□ Day 8 Matthew 21-22

□ Day 9 Matthew 23-24

□ Day 10 Matthew 25-26

□ Day 11 Matthew 27-28

□ Day 12 Mark 1-3

□ Day 13 Mark 4-5

□ Day 14 Mark 6-7

□ Day 15 Mark 8-9

□ Day 16 Mark 10-11

□ Day 17 Mark 12-13

□ Day 18 Mark 14-16

□ Day 19 Luke 1

□ Day 20 Luke 2-3

□ Day 21 Luke 4-5

□ Day 22 Luke 6-7

□ Day 23 Luke 8

□ Day 24 Luke 9

□ Day 25 Luke 10-11

□ Day 26 Luke 12-13

□ Day 27 Luke 14-16

□ Day 28 Luke 17-18

□ Day 29 Luke 19-20

□ Day 30 Luke 21-22

□ Day 31 Luke 23-24

□ Day 32 John 1-3

□ Day 33 John 4-5

□ Day 34 John 6-7

□ Day 35 John 8-9

□ Day 36 John 10-11

□ Day 36 John 12-13

□ Day 37 John 14-16

□ Day 38 John 17-18

□ Day 39 John 19-21

□ Day 40 Acts 1-3

□ Day 41 Acts 4-6

□ Day 42 Acts 7-8

□ Day 43 Acts 9-10

□ Day 44 Acts 11-13

□ Day 45 Acts 14-16

□ Day 46 Acts 17-18

□ Day 47 Acts 19-20

□ Day 48 Acts 21-22

□ Day 49 Acts 23-25

□ Day 50 Acts 26-28

□ Day 51 Romans 1-3

□ Day 52 Romans 4-7

□ Day 53 Romans 8-10

□ Day 54 Romans 11-14

□ Day 55 Romans 15-16

□ Day 56 1 Corinthians 1-4

□ Day 57 1 Corinthians 5-8

□ Day 58 1 Corinthians 9-11

□ Day 59 1 Corinthians 12-14

□ Day 60 1 Corinthians 15-16

□ Day 61 2 Corinthians 1-4

□ Day 62 2 Corinthians 5-8

□ Day 63 2 Corinthians 9-13

□ Day 64 Galations 1-4

□ Day 65 Galations 5-6

□ Day 66 Ephesians 1-3

□ Day 67 Ephesians 4-6

□ Day 68 Philippians 1-4

□ Day 69 Colossians 1-4

□ Day 70 1 Thessalonians 1-4

□ Day 71 1 Thessalonians 5

2 Thessalonians 1-3

□ Day 72 1 Timothy 1-4

□ Day 73 1 Timothy 5-6

□ Day 74 2 Timothy 1-4

□ Day 75 Titus 1-3


□ Day 76 Hebrews 1-5

□ Day 77 Hebrews 6-9

□ Day 78 Hebrews 10-11

□ Day 79 Hebrews 12-13

□ Day 80 James 1-5

□ Day 81 1 Peter 1-4

□ Day 82 1 Peter 5

2 Peter 1-3

□ Day 83 1 John 1-5

□ Day 84 2 John

3 John


□ Day 85 Revelation 1-3

□ Day 86 Revelation 4-8

□ Day 87 Revelation 9-12

□ Day 88 Revelation 13-16

□ Day 89 Revelation 17-19

□ Day 90 Revelation 20-22

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Then G. O.




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